Privacy Policy

Privacy and Cookie Policy

For users of the website [] pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter “Regulation”), this page describes the processing of personal data of users of the website, accessible via the internet address []. This information does not concern other websites, pages, or online services that may be reached through hyperlinks on the website but refer to external resources to this domain. Following consultation of the pages of the aforementioned website, data relating to identified or identifiable individuals may be processed.



Sara Berni , Via dei Coribanti 20, 00133, Roma. Mail:



The personal data indicated on this page is processed by the undersigned (pursuant to Art. 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Regulation) as it is necessary for the provision of services or for responding to the data subject’s requests. The provision of personal data for these purposes is optional, but failure to provide it may make it impossible to respond to the requests.



Processing will be carried out using electronic or automated means and organizational and processing methods strictly related to the purposes themselves, and in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security, integrity, and confidentiality of the data in order to reduce the risks of destruction or loss, unauthorized access, modification, or unauthorized disclosure. The data collected will not be disseminated and will not be transferred outside the EU or to countries considered safe by the European Commission, nor to subjects not adhering to international programs for the free movement of data (e.g., EU-US Privacy Shield).



Navigation Data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. These data are not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but by their very nature, they could allow the identification of users. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users, URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment. These data, necessary for the use of web services, are also processed for the purpose of:

  • obtaining statistical information on the use of services (most visited pages, number of visitors by time of day or day, geographical areas of origin, etc.);
  • checking the correct functioning of the services offered.

Navigation data do not persist for more than 7 days (unless there is a need to ascertain crimes by the judicial authorities).


Data Provided Voluntarily by the User

The optional, explicit, and voluntary sending of messages to the contact addresses of the undersigned, private messages sent by users to institutional profiles/pages on social media (where this possibility is provided), as well as the completion and submission of forms on the undersigned’s websites, involve the acquisition of the sender’s contact data, necessary to respond, as well as all personal data included in the communications.


Cookies and Other Tracking Systems

Cookies are used for user profiling and the storage of authentication credentials, but no other tracking methods are used.

Cookies Present on the Site

When visiting a website, cookies may be received both from the visited site (“first-party”) and from sites managed by other organizations (“third parties”).

A notable example is the presence of “social plugins” for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. These are parts of the page visited that are generated directly by the aforementioned sites and integrated into the hosting site’s page.

The most common use of social plugins is for sharing content on social networks. The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by third parties.

The management of information collected by “third parties” is governed by their respective privacy policies, to which you should refer.

To ensure greater transparency and convenience, the following are the web addresses of the various privacy policies and methods for managing cookies. Facebook information: Facebook (configuration): access your account. Privacy section. Youtube information:

Facebook Custom Audience (Facebook, Inc.)

Facebook Custom Audience is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects the activity of with the Facebook advertising network. Personal Data collected: Cookies and email. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy – Opt Out. Subject adhering to the Privacy Shield.

Facebook Remarketing (Facebook, Inc.)

Facebook Remarketing is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects the activity of with the Facebook advertising network. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy – Opt Out. Subject adhering to the Privacy Shield.

Google Analytics also includes certain components transmitted by Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”).

In this case, these are third-party cookies collected and managed anonymously to monitor and improve the performance of the host site (performance cookies).

Google Analytics uses “cookies” to collect and analyze information anonymously about the use of the Emmeci website (including the user’s IP address). This information is collected by Google Analytics, which processes it for the purpose of preparing reports for Emmeci’s operators regarding the activities on the websites themselves.

This site does not use (and does not allow third parties to use) Google’s analysis tool to monitor or collect personal identification information. Google does not associate the IP address with any other data held by Google, nor does it attempt to connect an IP address with the identity of a user. Google may also communicate this information to third parties where required by law or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. For more information, please refer to the link below: For more information on Cookies – definitions, characteristics, and applications – or how to disable them, please refer to the following link:

Third-party analytical cookies managed by “Google Analytics” are used for statistical analysis in anonymous form. Further information on privacy and their use can be found directly on the Google Analytics website, accessible by clicking on the following link: The use of these cookies can be blocked using the tool provided by Google Analytics at the following web address: Session cookies (non-persistent) are used strictly for the safe and efficient navigation of the sites. The storage of session cookies on terminals or browsers is under the control of the user, while on the servers, at the end of HTTP sessions, information related to cookies is recorded in the service logs, with retention times equal to those of other navigation data.



The following subjects designated by the undersigned are recipients of the data collected following the consultation of the aforementioned website, pursuant to Article 28 of the Regulation, as data processors: our provider of web platform hosting services (currently Aruba S.p.a); our provider of Analytics services (Google Analytics). our providers of Marketing monitoring services (Facebook, Google, and Doubleclick). Personal data collected is also processed by the personnel of the undersigned, which acts on the basis of specific authorizations and instructions provided regarding the purposes and methods of the processing itself.



The data subject may contact the Data Controller without any particular formalities to exercise their rights under Articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation (the right to: access personal data, rectify, erase, restrict processing, data portability, object to processing, and be informed of any automated decision-making), without prejudice to the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The rights can be exercised by contacting SARA BERNI (Email:


Cookie Definitions, Characteristics, and Applications

Cookies are small text files that websites visited by the user send and record on their computer or mobile device, to then be retransmitted to the same websites on the user’s next visit. The use of cookies allows a website to remember the user’s preferences (such as the chosen language, font size, etc.) so that they do not have to be indicated again when the user returns to visit the site or navigate from one page to another. Cookies are, therefore, used for computer authentication, session monitoring, and storing information regarding the activities of users who access a site and may also contain a unique identification code that allows tracking of the user’s navigation within the site itself for statistical or advertising purposes.

During navigation on a site, the user may also receive cookies on their computer from sites or web servers other than the one they are visiting (so-called “third-party” cookies). Some operations may not be performed without the use of cookies, which, in some cases, are therefore technically necessary for the functioning of the site itself.

There are various types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions, and these may remain on the user’s computer for different periods of time: so-called session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed; so-called persistent cookies, which remain on the user’s device until a predetermined expiration date. According to the legislation in force in Italy, user consent is not always required for the use of cookies. In particular, “technical cookies,” i.e., those used solely for the purpose of transmitting a communication on an electronic communications network, or insofar as this is strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user, do not require such consent.

In other words, these are cookies that are essential for the operation of the site or necessary to perform activities requested by the user. Among the technical cookies that do not require express consent for their use, the Italian Data Protection Authority (see the Decision on the Identification of Simplified Procedures for the Disclosure and the Acquisition of Consent for the Use of Cookies of May 8, 2014, and subsequent clarifications, hereinafter also referred to as the “Decision”) includes:

  • “analytics cookies” when used directly by the site operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself,
  • browsing or session cookies (to authenticate),
  • functionality cookies, which allow users to navigate based on a series of selected criteria (e.g., language, products selected for purchase) to improve the service provided.

For “profiling cookies,” on the other hand, i.e., those aimed at creating user profiles and used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while browsing the internet, prior consent of the user is required. Types of cookies used by the Site and the possibility of (de-)selection The Site uses the following cookies that can be de-selected, except for third-party cookies for which you must refer directly to their methods of selection and de-selection of their cookies, indicated via links:

  • Technical navigation or session cookies and strictly necessary for the operation of the Site or to allow you to use the requested contents and services.
  • Functionality cookies, i.e., used to activate specific functions of the Site and a series of selected criteria (e.g., language) to improve the service provided.

WARNING: Disabling technical and/or functionality cookies may result in the Site being unavailable or certain services or specific functions of the Site may not be available or may not function correctly, and you may be required to change or manually enter some information or preferences each time you visit the Site.

  • Third-party cookies, i.e., cookies from sites or web servers other than the Data Controller’s, used for the purposes of these third parties. Please note that these third-party subjects, listed with links to their privacy policies, are typically independent data controllers for the data collected through the cookies they serve; therefore, you should refer to their personal data processing policies, information, and consent forms (selection and de-selection of their cookies), as specified in the aforementioned Decision.

For completeness, it is also specified that the Data Controller does its utmost to be able to trace cookies on its own Site. These are updated regularly in the website’s information, where we provide transparency on cookies directly sent by the Data Controller and their purposes. As for third parties that send cookies through our Site, we provide links to their respective privacy policies: for these third parties, we delegate, as already mentioned, the responsibility of providing information and collecting your consent, as required by the Decision. This responsibility refers not only to cookies that third parties send directly but also to any additional cookies sent through our Site due to the use of services that these third parties themselves enjoy. With respect to these cookies, in fact, sent by service providers of the aforementioned third parties, the Data Controller does not have the ability to exercise any control and does not know their characteristics or purposes.


Cookie Settings

The user has the option to block (in whole or in part) technical and functionality cookies through the specific functions of their browser.

However, not authorizing technical cookies may result in the inability to use the Site, view its content, and use its related services. Disabling functionality cookies may result in some services or certain functions of the Site not being available or not functioning correctly, and you may be required to change or manually enter some information or preferences each time you visit the Site.

The choices made regarding cookies on the Site will also be recorded in a specific cookie. However, this cookie may, in some circumstances, not function correctly: in such cases, we recommend that you delete unwanted cookies and disable their use through your browser’s features. Your preferences regarding cookies will need to be reset if you use different devices or browsers to access the Site.

How to View and Modify Cookies through the Browser

You can authorize, block, or delete (in whole or in part) cookies through the specific functions of your Browser. For more information on how to set preferences for the use of cookies through your Browser, you can consult the following instructions:
Internet Explorer





provided to newsletter subscribers pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 The Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and Legislative Decree 196/2003 establish rules related to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and their circulation.

Below is the information pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 regarding the processing of personal data of individuals for the periodic sending of our newsletter.

Data Controller is SARA BERNI

Purpose of processing personal data – The data (name, surname, email address, city, etc.) are used for the purpose of sending informational communications by email (newsletter) based on Article 6, letter b of the GDPR (performance of the contract of which the data subject is a party).

The provision of the email address for the aforementioned purpose is necessary, and any refusal to provide it will make it impossible to send the Newsletter.

Processing methods – The processing will be carried out using electronic or automated means and with organizational and processing logics strictly related to the purposes themselves and in any case in such a way as to guarantee the security, integrity, and confidentiality of the data in order to reduce the risks of destruction or loss, unauthorized access, modification, and unauthorized disclosure.

The data collected are not subject to dissemination, nor to any entirely automated decision-making process, including profiling, and will not be transferred to non-EU countries.

Data retention – Your data will be kept until you ask to unsubscribe from the newsletter service, and will subsequently be deleted.

Rights of the data subject – The data subject may contact the Data Controller without any particular formalities to exercise their rights under Articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation (the right to: access personal data, rectify, erase, restrict processing, data portability, object to processing, and be informed of any automated decision-making), without prejudice to the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Contacts – Data subjects can exercise the above rights by contacting SARA BERNI (Email: